

The FIT-Jitsu Challenge

The FIT-Jitsu Challenge is a 6-week body transformation program that utilizes the fundamental movements of Jiu-Jitsu to develop and maintain dynamic flexibility, mobility, strength, and conditioning.

Results are 100% Guaranteed.

The FIT-Jitsu challenge also comes with Guaranteed Results for all participants.  This means that if at the end of the 6-week program, if a participant is not completely satisfied with their personal results, they are entitled to a full refund of the challenge enrollment fee.

Hope and Expectations-

It is our expectation that all participants become Jiu-Jitsufied!  This means developing a capable and playful athletic body, as well as learning about the Jiu-Jitsu lifestyle as it relates to diet and recovery.  Our hope is that every member feels more energetic and physically capable in their everyday activities for the rest of their lives.

Defining Objectives:

Flexibility vs. Mobility & Conditioning vs. Strength

Flexibility is the range/extent to which your body can move by passive (outside) force without causing injury.

*An example would be stretching a leg muscle into a deep stretch under the force gravity, using a free hand to push, or with assistance from a partner.

Mobility is the range/extent to which your body can move by active force (under your own motor control while maintaining balance) without causing injury.

*An example would be to stand on one leg while extended the other leg away without the assistance of your hands or a partner.

Strength is the ability to move and control people and things that are not your own body or attached to it.

*An example would be picking someone up or pushing them off of you.

Conditioning is the ability to use and manage strength and mobility over long periods of time.

*An example would be engaging in a sport or any physical activity that challenges your mobility and strength without resting – without stopping long enough to fully recover.

The FIT-Jitsu challenge movements target-

  1. Hip, shoulder, and trunk mobility,
  2. Leg and core strength,
  3. Overall body conditioning.

FITjitsu Challenge

The FIT-Jitsu Challenge is a 6-week body transformation program that utilizes the fundamental movements of Jiu-Jitsu to develop and maintain dynamic flexibility, mobility, strength, and conditioning.

Results are 100% Guaranteed.